If others can do it, let them. Teachers tend to be territorial. We rely on our expert status so heavily we don't know how to ask for help when we really need it. Some of us wouldn't know what to do with a parent volunteer if we had one every day! Sometimes in the quest for more respect, prestige, and even a new position, we even take on more duties in order to impress.
You may not be able to admit it, but the truth is that you say yes in order to please someone else. It's not necessary to grab every opportunity at school to gain the respect of your colleagues or superiors. If your load feels too heavy, it probably is. And if your load is too heavy, you won't be able to do your best job. If you've already said yes to too many things, look for others who can bear some of the load instead. This is not a matter of defeat. It's a matter of being a good steward of your time and talents to educate children. Work smarter, not harder.
I realized I'd taken on too much this winter--schools foundation board member, union officer/chief negotiator, basketball official scorekeeper, senior class advisor, teacher in charge, accreditation chairman, church board member and prayer ministry coordinator . . . plus the job, of course, and family responsibilities. I'm going to let some of that go!